Thursday, March 16, 2017

Book Review: Godology

While perusing the book table at the Speaking the Truth in Love conference in Spring, TX last month, I came across a book that was sitting all alone. The title of that lonely book is Godology, and it was written by Dr. Christian George, who serves as the Curator of the Spurgeon Library and as Assistant Professor of Historical Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Godology was published in 2009 while George was working on his Ph.D. at the University of St. Andrews.

Godology is divided into eleven chapters, each chapter describing a different attribute of God. With force and creativity, George defines attributes such as the unity of God, the holiness of God, and the eternality of God. Also, embedded in each chapter is a spiritual discipline, which, if put into practice, would no doubt advance a Christian pilgrim’s devotion to God. While George uses clever pop references, such as: “The fastest way to a man’s heart is through Jack Bauer’s gun”, and while he makes numerous references to different foods, ranging from chocolate to crawfish, George also immerses the reader in a rich Christian heritage that blends historical Christianity with the 21st century church. This book is fun, riveting, and most of all accessible. Written with a younger audience in mind, this book points us to the warm nature of God and shows us that while God is somewhere out there, high above the heavens, He is also right here with us, arms open wide.  

If you're like me, you might be a little concerned about George’s oft-cited use of The Message translation of the Bible, but this by no means underscores the warmth and creativity of Godology. As Tom Nettles writes, “Christian George writes with snap, crackle, and pop, pours out images by the bucket-loads, and interweaves our contemporary context with sound Reformation, Puritan orthodoxy.”

I am grateful that this lonely copy of Godology caught my eye that day, because this book was just what I needed to read as I found myself sinking into the sea of a cold, lifeless Christianity. Through Christian George, God reminded me that He is both far beyond us and right here with us.  Thank you, Dr. George, for this gem, Godology.


Click here to buy Godology, by Dr. Christian George.

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